Here's a pic of the latest purchases, the reverse radar from arrived.. Box a bit damaged but everything seems good, won't know until install which is probably next winter. Also I bought 2 cans of VHT Vinyl spray, Satin Black. A+ stuff. :)
So here's the dashboard after spraying on the vinyl dye. Looking good, I thought the color'd be more matt as I had a semigloss / gloss theme going on but apparently "satin black" is as glossy as my glossy black in the upper part of the dash, so that didn't work quite well. :D Oh well, it works out cos' now I can leave the black matt objects such as the steering column alone, as they will play that role now in the theme.. Also they would've been totally bitchy to paint with all the buttons and shine through labels in them.. It'll probably be better this way !
Hanna sanded this and all the other black _plastic_ bits you're going to see. She also painted them all. What a great girl. ;)
Together, we got the dash installed, wasn't as painful as I thought it would be. A lot of bits to attach still but it'll come through next time I think.
Here's a new vs old pic. :P As I'm going to have to leave the doorcards until next winter as well, I just aim to put this back together now and get it on the road for the summer. Besides I haven't got the money to build the speaker stuff yet which is an essential after doorcard removal process. Anyhow, like the left better ?
Anyhow, here's just a few of the many items she did. We used matt black and semigloss varnish on them, looks pretty good although here they ended up being a little less glossy than I thought, but it looks good altogether.
And sadly some of the items had a lot of problems with the combination. We are unsure why, cos she sanded em down and tried again and this is actually a pic of the second trial. I need to try again, I think it's the varnish / paint combination, they somehow don't like each other as the "pattern" appears after second coat of varnish. She did a splendid job though, but we all know sometimes this just simply happens. :)
So that's it for now, there's a few pics I didn't post again in the Picasa album link to the right, you can check them out there.
See you in about two weeks. Enjoy the summer !