

So, it's been a while. I moved to the new garage a while back, except I've been pretty busy and it wasn't until two days I got everything in order there. There's quite a lot of people in the garage, and fitting my junk next to their 7 years collection on the shelves and all that is a bit hassle. Well, now it's behind, let's hope everything will work, truth is we aren't quite on the same planet as hobbyists but I hope we'll get along.

The new place is nice though, especially if we cleaned all the crap out so we'd have more space. That place is full of junk like TVs and scooters and a shitload of old car parts, most of them useless by the looks of them. Besides that, there's every tool available you can think of, so that's good.

So far, I've only drove my winter Mazda there, it's waiting for me to get motivated, the winter is coming and I need to put the Probe to sleep. I also repaired the front brake again cos' it started dragging again, disassembled it this time, now it works good, and did a wax job on the Probe.

I'm planning to go Sunday as there's some air in the rear brake now it seems, one of the calipers doesn't engage that well and it's making a weird noise in the corners. Also, the next month or two will pass by fixing the Mazda and I promised to repair a friends Toyota for some bucks. That's good, since I'm now unemployed, on a course to become an electricity mechanic (or whatever it's in english). I should get pretty good money from the Union once it starts running though, so it's not the end of days.

Anyhow, I'll hit back if something exciting happens. I've been a bit lazy on the blog for a while now, somehow while I'm working on the car I forget to take pictures in the heat of things, and thats the foundation of my blog so I guess thats why.

Still not winter! :))