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Well, the vacations over, and I made my Probe from the state: scrap metal to project back on. Welded all the tricky bits, now I only have two easy places to weld.. Unfortunately I had to throw my principles of never welding new without taking the rusted material off in the trash once, cos otherwise it couldnt been done, not by me and my skills and tools anyway.

Here's one before and after. Later I welded grinded and painted all of the weldings I made but I didn't take pics then..

I also found and bought a new filling pipe.. got lucky, the MX-6 (626 GD) part is the same!

I also took apart the rear axle.. Note to anyone doing the same, do make sure there are no stuck bolts before taking it off the car. I had to take it to my school so I could take them off afterwards. :o

And the best news, I broke the ABS sensors and the knuckle end through bolt for the suspension rods. Thats gonna rob my wallet ten times over. Now I've been investigating 626/MX6/Probe compatibilites like crazy whole day to find out what can be done...

Other stuff I've broke so far are the caliper guide in the mounting bracket, stabilizer links and the brake pads. :D Ching ching.

But it's all worth it if I can ride my Probe again next summer, hot day, ac blowing, dump valve whistling.. fuck cant wait. :P

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