Another day spent at the garage, doing the stuff I've already bought parts for.
I put new LEDs in the place of the old ones, to all the buttons in the steering column frame. Sadly, as I thought the new ones are just as white as the old ones were, I'd preferred them to be a bit blue because all the other led lights in the car are so as well. Oh well, LEDs have come a long way in the last few years, you just don't see blue tinted whites out there that much.
You can see the white glow on the bottom side of the pic, didn't bother with that photo too much as you've seen them before. :) I accidentally teared off a slice of copper film off the circuit board of one of the switches so reparing that took me pretty much whole day, but I did get something else done as well.
Here's the clock I've been storing for a while in my boxes, turns out it has a battery on the backside to keep time when not powered so it is actually a good clock for Probe! Ordered cheap from eBay, about 10$ if I remember correctly.
Here's the place for it. :) My Dremel is shot so I had to get creative with making the hole, we had some milling drill bits in the garage, I used them in a bench drill machine and moved the plastic with my hand, finished with file. :) For once I didn't screw up! ;)
Also, I took off the rear seat and we started tearing it up, my love decided she wanted to contribue and sew new fabrics for them. :) Niiiice. B)
So yeah, that's that, little by little. :) I purchased a Toyota Carina 2 1.6 for a hundred euros, that needs a bit fixing so it'll eat my time for a while but at the end of the day I'm expecting some profit from it so I might get some of the stuff Probe wants also. Perhaps soon you will have more bigger things to read about. :P
Yeah, keep it cool :)
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