Today, I'm not updating my blog sbout anything new I've done, that'd be anytime during this weekend cos' tomorrow I'm heading to Lahti again with a bag full of new tools to play with, heh. Alas, it's payday.
However, I have received a email with dark, dark news for my Probe, and every Probe out there. It seems that the beginning of the end for this particular model is growing speed. I browse a lot of parts dealers' catalogues and it wasn't long ago when I noticed that RockAuto and if I remember right, also FordProbeStore, had cut their selection. The rear ABS sensors came a real PITA to find, and I haven't heard from them in 2 weeks so there's no telling if I'll get them anyway.
Now the email that I got from that on an estimate of a _200 items_ are being taken off the catalogue again, as a wholesaler is closing out on this model. It is sad news indeed as when I look at the list, there's a lot of small parts like electrical, vacuum, valves, most of all special parts, that's gonna be really hard to find in the future; not that it's very easy now either. What will be left is mostly the basic parts, and I'm sure the other vendors are to follow.
The list of RockAuto closeout sale items Ford Probe
But you could've see it coming from a far away. The Probes that serve as daily driver are starting to disappear as many of them are corroding beyond repair (to a reasonable repair extent) and others seem to fill up their mileage. The people who realy value this model, especially those, for reasons other than its low cost / what you get, is a handful, and it is not enough to maintain a classic status for this car. And when you think of it, in most parts of the world it was never thought of anything of the sort, as a lot of people have always loathed it and are probably happy to see it go extinct slowly.
It is sad to see such a beautiful model, in my opinion, a classical example of everything that's great in 90s sports motors, fade away slowly.
I know I'll manage somehow as long as this car's mine, but it certainly will be a lot more difficult day by day, gathering the parts as the renovation goes on.
Let's keep our Probes running and ride & mend them with pride until the day you couldn't find even an oil filter to it!
Love to all Probe'ists out there.
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