Again I wasted a lot of my time doing various things but I did get a good 12 hours at the garage again. Driving back home I calculated that on an estimate it should 3-5 day offs and the car is ready for inspection. Well, that means it's earliest at the end of August or more likely sometime during September but at least it's coming and I'll get to drive the car this "summer". (I'm thinking of calling the car my autumn car instead of a summer car if this happens ever again during the next years :D)
I got the tank installed, which was a bit of a PITA, but it's done. Again I need to put some more undercoating cos' I sure got some loose putting the tank in place. Wish I had some good buddies and a group garage so I wouldn't have to struggle through these kinds of situations on my own. :P
Didn't even bother to put the antirust chems on the bottom of the tank yet, cos' I know now that they don't stay if you fiddle around. :D Will put though, soon.
Next time which'd be Fri-Sun I'm aiming to get the exhaust together, weld it, test it (hopefully, need to change oils and stuff before I can fire up the engine) and paint it with heat paint, which'd make me so much closer to the completion. :)
Until then!
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