Yess, it's garage times again. Still got tomorrow to toy around with, finished for the day. So far I've been able to position the exhaust in it's place, and remove it to weld the connection points. Halfway through that, expecting to weld & position the rest tomorrow and hopefully start the engine after this long to find out whether it's leaking or not. Then I'm gonna remove it again to put some paint on it.. Anything besides that oughta be dreamin' for a single day.
I'm not much of a welder and my machines aren't that good so to maximise the success ratio I bought myself an automatic darkening welding mask, which has been really a bless so far. It makes welding so easy for me, A+ mates.
Anyways, here's a pic of the exhaust tip peeking out while the exhaust was installed and a pic of few welds I've made.
Well, so much for that. Maybe next time I'll post up with a vid of the start session. :)
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