
The lot

A lot has happened. I haven't been updating the blog despite having spent a lot of time in the garage lately, but thats mainly because I simply haven't had the time, and I tried to rush things after I got the ABS sensors so didn't take time to shoot a lot of pictures or anything.

So last friday I headed to the garage, I had a lot to do until the inspection stage. I soldered the LEDs to the steering column in a zippy, quickly got the interior together;

Unfortunately one of the LEDs stopped working later on. I used the LEDs I previously ordered for T5 socket, they were very easy to remove the pockets, just straighten the legs and pull out. Saves a lot of trouble since I didn't have to solder the resistors. :)

Then I put the ABS sensors in, and changed the oils. Changing the oil is always a confusing task, no matter how good I get at cars it never goes quite like in the movies. I ended up with about half a litre of oil on the floor, cos' I used an old canister which side had been cut open as a draining pan. Then you can easily open the cap and pour it through there to the waste oil container. Unless you have 5L of oil in the can and a way too small funnel. :D

Lucky I wore my paps jacket ;D Also I didn't have any new copper gaskets unlike I thought I would, but then I remembered an old folks trick; if you heat the copper ring to a red glow you can use it perfectly again;

Well I almost got it red with that "lighter" :D But it worked.

Anyhow, I need to rush to work now so..

To be continued. :)

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